Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bay Friendly Workshops

On April 5 and April 11 I attended the Bay Friendly Creating Year-Round Edible Garden workshop and Gardening to Manage Pests Naturally workshop, respectively.

The Edible Garden workshop was a confidence builder for me, offering some material I was already familiar with (soil building with compost, double digging), and some less-familiar material; great activities designing edible beds, including companion planting and optimal placement.

The Pest Management workshop was very interesting, and again, great activities were planned that helped attendees figure out good vs. bad bugs, and what plants attracted beneficial insects.
I would have liked a bit more time spent on this aspect, but Bay Friendly offered very good materials for review and sale on the subject.

At both workshops, attendance was high, and I was happy to see people who were interested, spirited, and ready to take action. It's good to see practices once considered "alternative" going mainstream. I highly recommend and Bay Friendly as resources, and I look forward to continuing my education with these organizations.

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